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Visit our repair centre and get your Mobile Phone or Tablets repaired as quick as 15 minutes.

Send your Mobile Phone or Tablets to us by post and we will send you back a working one Next Day.

Our engineers will come and repair your mobile phone or tablets in the convenience of your home or work.

No Fix No Fee Policy

Our services:

Repair by Brand

Here at LoveYourfone we are confident that we can repair your device thats why we offer a no fix no fee policy, whichs simply means if we can not repair your phone for any reason then you do not have to pay us a for our time. This covers all mobile phone and tablets repairs we do, however, you may still be charged for the following services.


  • Repair by post - If you have sent your phone into us by post then the postage charge will still occur when we send your phone or tablets back to you but no other charges will be applied. If you do not wish to pay for this or do not want to have the phone sent back then we can dispose of your device for you free of charge.


  • VIP Repair - If you book and use the VIP Repair services, and if for any reason the repair could not be completed because: 1. You were not available at the location of choice. 2. You changed your mind about the repair and did not cancel the appointment 1 hour prior to your appointment time and our engineers have already made way to the requested location. 3. Supply us with the wrong or incorrect information about the repairs leading us to bring the incorrect tools, parts and equipments to carry out the repair. Then you will be liable to pay our VIP repair service charge only, which is £30.00, this covers our engineers time coming to you. However, we will try our best to work out a solution with all our customers. In some case we will offer a courier service whereby we will collect your device and bring back the device to our repair centre to repair. Once it has been repaired and tested we will contact you and ask you how you would like to receive your phone back (This can be done either by post or courier services). Charges for courier and postage applies.

Downloads / info:

Repairs We Do:

• LCD Screen Repair
• Charging Port Repair
• Liquid Damage Repair
• Battery Fault Repair
• Home Button Repair
• Speaker Repair
• Microphone Repair
• Keypad Fault Repair
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